What is a Website & Webpages

If you have heard about the word website, and you want to know what is a website, then you must read this post completely.

Because today we will know in this post, what is a website, the definition of the website and the types of the website, so let’s understand these topics.

Friends, the website is a part of the Internet, in today’s time people use the Internet in mobile and computer for some work, the use of the Internet means you are using a website.

Because when you use your mobile/mobile phone. If you connect the computer to the Internet, and search any information on Google, Yahoo, Bing, or buy a product from Amazon, Flipkart or know the price, then at that time you are using Google, Yahoo, Bing, Amazon and Flipkart’s website.

Due to the increasing use of mobile, now the applications of these websites (which we also call Apps) are being used in our mobile, about which we will talk about in another blog.

What is a website
When you use your mobile/mobile phone. If you do some search to get information from the Internet in the computer’s browser, then the browser uses a search engine to show us the names and URLs of many websites related to our search, on which the information we need is available.

Website is a technology available on the Internet through which we can get a lot of information, a website is made up of many web pages and all these web pages are linked to each other through a domain name. In this way, if we want to give a definition of a website, then it will be something like this –

When a group of many web pages is added to each other through a domain name, then the group of those is called a website.

What is a website, you may be hearing some words (such as domain name, web page) from what you have read so far in this subject, so you may not be able to understand what the website is,

The reason for this is that till now we have given you the answer to what is the website, in technical language, which is also necessary for you to know, let us now understand it in an easy way.

First of all, where you are reading this information right now it is a web page, and this web page is linked to a domain name digiomg.com, and many web pages that give similar information are linked to this domain name.

In this way, digiomg.com domain name will be called a website. This is our website which has been created to give you information, similarly, many schools, hospitals and companies create websites to reach their needs and people with their information.

Types Of Website
Friends, websites are meant to provide us information, but if we talk about the type of website, then there are two main bases to know the types of websites –

On the basis of web page: – On the basis of web page, websites are something like this.

(1) Static Website:
The information we find on a website whose web page remains the same at all times, these information are the same for any user at any time. There is no change in the content displayed on the website when it is reopened after reloading or closing it.

The content of the static website remains the same for a long time, the information available on such a website does not change, unless it is changed by the developer who created that website. For example, pages of About Us, Connact Us or Portfolio available in a website.

(2) Dynamic Website:
A website whose information available on the web page does not always remain the same, the information available on these websites can be changed at any time by the user or by the admin of the website as per the user’s requirement. For which a developer is not required. Such as – Social Media, E-commerce or Blog

Based on the information available on those websites:-

(1) News Website:
A website through which we get news of our surroundings, our city and country and the world, these websites keep getting new news all the time.

(2) Educational Website:
A website through which schools, colleges and government institutions provide reading material to students and access their registration, results and other information.

(3) Social Media Website
A website through which people can make contact with each other and share information with their contacts.